I make apps and websites, fully customized and with 3D features.

Hello! I'm Rajib,
Full stack developer.
Nice to meet you!

I'm a full stack developer focused on building robust, customized apps and websites. With expertise in frontend, backend, and 3D web development, I deliver complete solutions. I enjoy bringing ideas to life and turning concepts into functional, user-friendly digital experiences.

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Tech I work with

Web and mobile development is dynamic and complex, with new solutions constantly emerging. I stay updated with these advancements to ensure I'm using the best tools for the job. Here are some of the key technologies I work with:

  • TypeScript

    My primary language for app development, offering static typing to enhance code quality and catch errors early.

  • Next.js

    My go-to framework for building fullstack web apps, with features like server-side rendering and static site generation for optimal performance.

  • React

    The library I use to build user interfaces, versatile enough for projects of any size or complexity.

    I also use: Angular
  • Expo

    For native mobile apps, I rely on React Native with Expo, which simplifies development with its robust features and smooth workflow.

  • Framer Motion

    I use Framer Motion to create smooth, hardware-accelerated animations that enhance user experience.

  • Tailwind CSS

    Tailwind CSS provides a utility-first approach to styling, ensuring consistency and speeding up development.

    I also use: Material UI
  • Three.js

    Three.js allows me to integrate 3D elements into my apps, creating interactive and visually engaging experiences.

  • Firebase

    I utilize Firebase for authentication and storage, taking advantage of its scalable and reliable backend services.

    I also use: MongoDB

Services I provide

I'm flexible and adapt to each project's needs, enjoying the process of problem-solving. This helps me provide tailored solutions that fit your requirements. Here are the main services I offer:

My latest works

Explore some of my recent works. I'm still experimenting with some of them, so feel free to check them out and share your feedback or any issues you encounter.